Hardware set-up for customer hosting

Virtual environment installation

BENOCS Analytics runs three different network segments dedicated to a specific role in the software stack. Each segment consists of a set of machines required to be on the same IP subnet. The three different network segments are:

i. Web Frontend access network

The web frontend access network is used to run the BENOCS Analytics software as a service and can be accessed from outside the setup. Access can be from a customer’s internal network, or reachable from anywhere on the internet. The customer must provide a valid SSL certificate and a domain for the application if the web frontend is to be accessed from an internal network. An SSL certificate and a domain are not required if the application is to be accessible globally. The web frontend access network is run separately from the rest of the software stack and is not connected to any of the other networks. A firewall is put in place, which

ii. Internal analytics network

BENOCS Analytics’ internal network is shared between all of the „backend“ nodes (step00, ce00, NetFlow00, process00, process01, storage00, dns00) that run on the application. These backend nodes need to be on the same subnet, as they share network access among each other to migrate data easily between the machines. The internal network is also connected to the BENOCS maintenance and update service via a VPN tunnel to monitor, maintain, update and upgrade the system.

iii. Customer backbone

This network consists of nodes that directly interface with the customer network to gather information. The network is required to be configured as a separate network interface on the machines.

Bare metal installation

BENOCS runs the internal network fully enclosed in the machine when installed on a bare metal machine. We use the bare metal machine to set up the necessary VMs, separate the internal networks and install all the firewalls. Mandatory connectivity to the server such as web application access and data export can be set up as separate physical interfaces or via VLANs, as long as they are different network segments. To run the setup, the bare metal machine must provide connectivity to BENOCS maintenance and update service.

BENOCS Analytics - general deployment including hardware setup
BENOCS Analytics - General deployment including hardware setup