Summer break is over and we can’t wait to get to Prague next month for European Peeting Forum. The event is an absolute must for peering folks and we are thrilled to be a part of it. We are sponsoring the event, so please drop by our booth and let Stephan Schroeder, Hari Jayaraman or Péter György give you a demo of BENOCS Analytics!
Category: Events
NL-ix Late Summer Drink
It’s that’s time of year again: networking and sunset drinks beachside in Scheveningen, The Netherlands. Once again our friends from NL-ix are putting on the Late Summer Drink and we are happy to not only attend but also proud to be sponsors of the event. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and also new ones!
IEEE NetSoft 2023 review
From June 19-23, BENOCS senior network engineer Danny A. Lachos Perez attended IEEE NetSoft 2023 and had this to say:
“The IEEE NetSoft is the flagship annual conference on Network Softwarization, and I had the opportunity to represent BENOCS at its 9th edition held in Madrid, Spain last week. I attended inspiring Keynote Talks, technical presentations, and demo sessions. I was also chairing the co-located Workshop on Intent-Based Networking (WIN’2023), with very interesting presentations and panel discussions regarding the interaction between network management systems and end-users. NetSoft also included an extensive social program that was used to (re-)start discussions for future collaboration activities with different industry and academic institutions, including Telefonica (Spain), Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil), Nokia (France), and Universitas Mercatorum – University of Italian Chambers of Commerce (Italy).”
IEEE NetSoft 2023
Exciting week coming up for our colleague Danny A. Lachos Perez. From Monday, Danny will be taking part in IEEE NetSoft 2023 in Madrid, Spain.
The event includes co-located workshops: BENOCS is industry track chair and also on the technical program committee of the Intent-Based Networking workshop (WIN’2023) on June 19. At the workshop, Danny will chair the Technical Session 2: IBN Prototyping Initiatives (
Really looking forward to what insights Danny brings back to Berlin with him!
In the first week of June, Hari attended TNC23 in Albania, a first for us here at BENOCS:
“It was an eye-opening experience attending my first TNC in Tirana, Albania and listening to all the NRENs from different parts of the world such as GÉANT, NORDUnet, SUNET, CANARIE, UbuntuNet Alliance and many more. A common theme I noticed among all the NRENs is how passionate they are about working for the educational insitutions and the longevity of certain people in the industry, not to forget the openness of the community.
Special thanks to the organizers of this year’s TNC, RASH – Academic Network of Albania, who with their amazing hospitality and planning truly made this experience more memorable.
I’m certain the gathered insights will help us shape BENOCS Analytics in the right direction.
Looking forward to TNC’24 in Rennes!”
ETIS Community Gathering
While Hari is in Tirana taking part in TNC23, our colleague Péter György has taken a trip across town to attend the ETIS community gathering taking place today and tomorrow in Berlin. There he will talk about sustainability in telecoms and how, with BENOCS Analytics, you can save resources (and, well, money) in your network.
This week we are excited to be taking part in TNC23, hosted by RASH – Academic Network of Albania! Hari Jayaraman is this week in Tirana learning more about the NREN community and finding out how BENOCS can help them optimize their networks. Please come and say hi!
Big thanks to GÉANT for organizing the event!
It’s one of our highlights of the yearly conference calendar: It’s RIPE time! Next week, a whole bunch of us will hit Rotterdam for RIPE 86 and we can’t wait to mingle and learn about the latest issues affecting the RIPE community. BENOCS is not only Silver Sponsor of the event (come and say hi at our booth on Wednesday!), but on Wednesday evening, May 24, we will also celebrate our 10th anniversary party! Drop us a line via our contact formular if you’d like to join us and toast to the next 10 years.
International Telecoms Weeks
From May 14-17, BENOCS CEO Stephan Schroeder and our business development colleague Hari Jayaraman will be in the US of A to attend ITW 2023. They are looking forward to seeing customers and partners, as well as meeting new connections in the telco community.
NDSI ’23
BENOCS CTO Ingmar Poese will take a trip across the pond to Boston to participate in NDSI ’23, the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. During the technical sessions on Wednesday, April 19, a research paper Ingmar co-authored with Tobias Bühler, Romain Jacob, and Laurent Vanbever, all from ETH Zürich, entitled “Enhancing Global Network Monitoring with Magnifier”, will be presented. In the paper the authors propose an alternative to traffic sampling to monitor global networks: “magnifying” the sampling coverage by complementing it with mirroring.
Take a look at the program and the paper abstract here: