There are two options for the customer-hosted deployment: installation on virtual machines or a bare metal installation.
In a virtual environment, BENOCS installs the software stack in virtual machines (VMs) provided by the customer. BENOCS then supplies the ISO images and resource specification required to provision the VMs.
For the bare metal setup, the customer provides the machine and BENOCS sets up the required VMs and provisions the resources automatically.
Click here to find out the specifics about BENOCS customer hosting.
BENOCS provides the virtual machine breakdown and the resources required for each one.
The customer communicates the details of the VM breakdown to their IT team, then informs BENOCS when the VMs will be available.
For the bare metal installation, BENOCS communicates the hardware specifications required for the server. The customer passes this on to their IT team, who then gives BENOCS remote connection to the server. BENOCS then partitions the server into 8 different virtual machines and allocates the necessary resources to each one.
BENOCS Analytics is now ready for service.
BENOCS schedules an onboarding with the users on the customer side.
The agende of the call includes:
- BENOCS Analytics demo with specific use cases
- BENOCS organizational chart and contact information
- Documentation
- How to create user accounts
BENOCS shares the Analytics Webapp URL with the point of contact on the customer's team.
The contact person assists the BENOCS Data Quality Assurance (DQA) team with data sanity checks. Clearing up questions regarding data quality and debugging are essential for the Analytics Webapp to provide accurate information.
BENOCS fills the initial data set in the Analytics Webapp.
This data set is gathered so BENOCS can ensure its integrity. When the data is sound, BENOCS starts populating the Webapp.
BENOCS verifies the initial validity of all the protocols.
Together with the customer, BENOCS then debugs any issues that are found.
The customer configures all the protocols they have chosen to export.
These can include:
- iBGP: configure connection with new BENOCS iBGP neighors
- SNMP: allow access
- Flow: start sending flow
- DNS: send cache misses from DNS resolvers
To configure each protocol, BENOCS schedules a call with the relevant colleagues in the cusomter’s organization.
Click here for more detailed information about protocol configuration.
BENOCS installs the Analytics components to the virtual machines.
During this step, BENOCS requires ad-hoc support and feedback from the customer’s IT team.
The customer returns the completed technical questionnaire to BENOCS.
The implementation launch call takes place.
All relevant stakeholders on the customer side and trom BENOCS side (IT, security, protocol configuration, etc.) are present.
After the meeting, BENOCS sends the technical questionnaire to the customer to be completed.
BENOCS schedules a call for the implementation launch and shares the agenda for the call.
BENOCS issues a letter of authorization to facilitate the cross-connect.
After this, the cross-connect is established.
The customer informs BENOCS of the preferred connection type.
BENOCS hosts its customers’ Analytics deployments at Digital Realty in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
There are multiple ways to connect to the BENOCS data center:
- Does your network have a presence at Digital Realty FRA1-13 (Hanauer Landstraße / Weismüllerstraße)? If yes, we can establish an in-house cable connection.
- Is you network connected to Deutsche Telekom’s carrier ethernet service? If yes, we can establish an EoMPLS/VPLS connection.
- Is your network connected to DE-CIX or NL-ix? If yes, we can establish a VLAN configuration.
- If your network is not connected to any of these networks, then we can always establish an IPsec configuration via VPN.
Click here for more detailed information about BENOCS infrastructure hosting.
Choose the preferred hosting option to proceed:
Click here to read more about each hosting option: www.benocs.com/technical-setup-guide/hosting-options/
What are the network KPIs?
The customer provides BENOCS with the following network parameters:
- Peak throughput traffic
- Number of full BGP routers exporting flow
- Total number of routers
- Number of unique ASNs connected (transit, peers, caches, CDNs and customers)
- Flow sampling rate
The customer validates all information.
BENOCS then begins the installation.
BENOCS shares with the customer all the important information about the customer's network.
BENOCS installs and configures the VPN/Citrix client.
The customer supports BENOCS during this step.
The customer gives BENOCS network access via one of the following:
- Citrix
- Remote access
The customer mounts the ISOs and boots the machines.
BENOCS creates ISO images of the virtual machines.
BENOCS uploads the images to a sercure file transfer protocol (Nextcloud) and shares password access with the customer.
The customer prepares the virtual machines and base network provisioning for connectivity.
This includes BENOCS external access to the step node, internal analytics network and the core engine node, as well as netflow node access to the router network.
Customers installing on the bare metal server can skip straight to Chapter 6: Analytics compentent installation to VMs.